Master of Business Administration (Thesis/Without Thesis)

IKU Institute of Graduate Studies Business Administration Master's Degree Programs aims to make the candidates (preferably ones who have experience or are still working) that had their master's education in business administration or in non-business fields inform about the recent news in the field of business administration and management; reinforce their knowledge; make them gain deeper knowledge about business and show them how to use the current knowledge in practice; and develop their decision making skills by systematically analyzing the relationships between functions in business management and seeing each business as a whole.

Program Language:  English

Period of the Program: Period of the Program : Starting from the semester the courses are given the duration of the master's program with thesis is four semesters, regardless of whether or not the student has registered for each semester. The program is completed in maximum six semesters. After the end of the third and within the fourth semester, students whose thesis is determined by the supervisor to submit their thesis in a shorter period of time may enter the defense of the thesis with the proposal of the head of M.S and the decision of the Institute Executive Board. Starting from the semester in which the student is enrolled, the period of completion of the master's program without thesis is at least two semesters and maximum three semesters, regardless of whether or not the student has registered for each semester.

Program Opening Periods: Registrations for the program are made in Fall and Spring semesters.

Campus: Ataköy Campus

Course Hours: Weekdays 18:00-21:00

(limited number of courses can be given at different times, depending on your requirements)

Information about the Program: After the First Industrial Revolution, business administration and business management began to be considered as scientific and technical issues. The subsequent industrial revolutions have been heavily shaped around concepts such as technology, competition, strategy, innovation and globalization; it has led to the growing complexity of business science as well as the disappearance of all boundaries for the business world. Today, business science addresses national and international environments together, and takes into account the many socio-cultural elements of the mentioned concepts.

In this case, individuals who are familiar with the basic logic of business science, who have knowledge about modern and especially post-modern issues, have the competence to go to an effective cooperation with the business world and who have not only national but also international and even global point of view, need to be included in the society. In this process, the use of English which is the dominant language of economic and commercial activities in the world, is now a must.
The main reason for the desire to open the program is to train exactly these individuals who are mentioned above. The program is open to all individuals who have previously been educated in the field of business or in areas other than business; it especially addresses the individuals working in a business or having work experience.
Graduates who successfully complete the program will be able to work not only in local or national enterprises in our country, but also in foreign and global enterprises within our borders. In addition, our graduates will have more opportunities to find jobs in foreign countries. The increase of these opportunities is also a sub-rationale for the opening of the program.

The mission of Business Administration  Master's Programs is to educate individuals who have high level of knowledge, culturally and socially equipped, who can think freely and can combine theory and practice; to produce critical knowledge in the light of universal values; to provide the environment to help students develop their skills and skills through contemporary education and training techniques.
Our Business Administration Master's Degree Programs are open to students who wish to gain a business mission on their undergraduate studies. It is ideal for students who want to advance their career by taking their education to the next level or who want to start their PhD program after the master's degree.

Assoc. Prof. Murat Taha BİLİŞİK 
Head of the Program

Apply Now


For International Students

  • International students can apply with English Proficiency Certificates and YÖK Exequator

For Turkish Students 

  • Graduation from a 4-year undergraduate program 
  • Get at least 55 points in ALES equal weighted score type (For thesis program only) 
  • To get at least 70 points from the Central Foreign Language Exam (must be directed to the English Language) or to have received a equivalent score from an international foreign language exam accepted by OSYM (must be directed to the English Language)
  • It is necessary to be successful in the interview that is made when entering the program.  


During the application candidates must bring the following:

  • Copy of Diploma or Temporary Graduation Certificate,
  • Copy of Transcript,
  • Copy of ALES Certificate, (ALES certificate is not required for Non-Thesis Programs)
  • Certificate of Military Service Status (For male candidates),
  • 2 passport photos,
  • Copy of the Identity Card
  • Copy of the Foreign Language Certificate for PhD Programs,

During the final registration students must submit the following:

  • Certified copy of Diploma or Temporary Graduation Certificate,
  • Certified copy of Transcript,
  • ALES Certificate,(To be printed out at the Institute.)
  • Original of Military Service Status (For male candidates),
  • 6 passport photos,
  • Foreign Language Certificate for PhD Programs,(To be printed out at the Institute)
  • First installment of Tuition Fee,
Program With Thesis  
Program Without Thesis  


Head of Department
Assoc. Prof. Murat Taha BİLİŞİK 
  (0212) 498 4425

Last Update Date: Thu, 02/20/2025 - 14:21