IKU Institute Of Graduate Studies Administration

Prof. Dr.
Tunç Mısırlıoğlu
Vice Director
Assist. Prof.
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Andaç TOKSOY
Vice Director
Assist. Prof. Berrak ÖZTÜRK ŞİMŞEK
Assist. Prof. Berrak ÖZTÜRK ŞİMŞEK
Vice Secretary
Burcu KAYA
Burcu Giniz

Murat Aktaş

SA Specialist
Gülhan Yalçınkaya
SA Specialist

Merve Kurtar

Promotion Officer

Kamila İbragimova

Prof. Dr. Remzi Tunç MISIRLIOĞLU Director
Assist. Prof. Dr. Andaç TOKSOY Vice Director
Assist. Prof. Dr. Berrak ÖZTÜRK ŞİMŞEK Vice Director
Assoc. Prof. Nebile Korucu GÜMÜŞOĞLU Head of M.S. in International Trade
Prof. Dr. Durmuş TEZCAN    Head of M.S. in Public Law 
Prof. Dr. Merih Kemal OMAĞ  Head of M.S. in Private Law
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih KÖKSAL Head of M.S. in Turkish Language and Literature Department
Doç. Dr. Murat Taha BİLİŞİK  Head of M.S. in Business Administration 
Prof. Dr. Işıl ZEYBEK Head of M.S. in Communication Arts 
Prof. Dr. Çağla Gül YESEVİ Head of M.S. in International Relations 
Assoc. Prof. Deniz Dilara DERELİ  Head of M.S. in Economics 
Doç. Dr. Reyhan  ULUDAĞ ERASLAN  Head of M.S. in Art Management 
Assist. Prof. Ayşegül TURAN Head of M.S. in English Language and Literature 
Prof. Dr. Dursun KOÇER Head of M.S. in Physics 
Prof. Dr. Rana KUTLU Head of M.S. in Interior Architecture and Environmental Design 
Prof. Dr. Seyhan ALTUN  Head of M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics 
Prof. Dr. Mert ÇAĞLAR    Head of M.S. in Mathematics  and Computer Science
Assoc.Prof. Akhan AKBULUT Head of M.S. in Computer Engineering 
Assoc. Prof. Perihan TAŞ ÖZ Head of M.S. in Radio, Television and Cinema 
Assoc. Prof.  Melis Seray ÖZDEN YILDIRIM Head of M.S. in Psychology 
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Murat TÜRK  Head of M.S. in Civil Engineering 
Prof. Dr. Esra BOSTANCIOĞLU  Head of M.S. in Architecture 

Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynep GERGİN

Head of M.S. in Industrial Engineering 
Assist. Prof. Duygu Nazlı Akova Head of M.S. in Communication and Design 
Prof. Dr. Alim KAYA Head of M.S. in Educational Sciences 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra SAATÇİ Head of M.S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Assist. Prof. Dr. Artür Yetvart MUMCU Head of M.S. in Innovation Management Master's Program
Prof. Dr. Mehmet TORAN Head of M.S. in Basic Education
Prof. Dr. Burcu Semin AKEL Head of M.S. in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. Öykü Ezgi Yıldız BALABAN Head of M.S. in New Media and Communication
Assist. Prof. Cem ÖZLIŞIK Head of M.S. in Foreign Language Education


Prof. Dr. Remzi Tunç MISIRLIOĞLU Director
Assist. Prof. Dr. Andaç TOKSOY Vice Director
Assist. Prof. Dr. Berrak ÖZTÜRK ŞİMŞEK Vice Director
Prof. Dr. Işıl ZEYBEK Member
Prof. Dr. Rana KUTLU Member
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Aytaç ÖZELÇİ Member

Last Update Date: Tue, 03/25/2025 - 14:01