Business Administration Master’s Degree Program (Distance Learning)

The mission of the Department of Business Administration is to raise qualified individuals who are knowledgeable, culturally and socially equipped, can think freely, combine theory and practice; to produce critical information in the light of universal values and to provide an environment to help students develop their skills through modern teaching techniques. Distance education is an independent and modern education system that brings together students and instructors on the internet without the need to be in the same physical environment and enables education, research and discussion. 

İstanbul Kültür University Distance Learning Program is open to all students who are interested in a career in business from both academic and business world. All courses are conducted asynchronously and synchronously during the 14-week term. In the asynchronous courses, students can access the resources that the faculty member uploaded that week whenever they want, regardless of duration and time. Synchronous courses are held with the participation of faculty members and students at the same time in virtual classrooms created on the web environment. In these courses, topics and questions of that week are discussed in relation to asynchronous courses. Graduates who have completed this program without a thesis are given a Master of Business Administration diploma and this diploma is not different from other formal education diplomas.

Program Opening Periods

Applications to the program are accepted twice a year in the Fall and Spring semesters.


İstanbul Kültür University Business Administration Distance Learning Master’s Degree Program has adopted the principle that information can be easily accessed in a globalizing world and that it is essential to train qualified students who have mastered all the functions of the business through distance learning. Thanks to the synchronous and asynchronous courses carried out through the electronic environment, the program saves time and achieves information in the shortest possible time. Our program is open to all candidates from academic and business worlds who are open to research and self-development in business administration.

Assoc. Prof. Murat Taha BİLİŞİK 

Head of Department (Acting)

Apply Now


During the application candidates must bring the following:  

  • Copy of Diploma or Temporary Graduation Certificate,
  • Copy of Transcript,
  • Copy of ALES Certificate, (ALES certificate is not required for Non-Thesis Programs)
  • Certificate of Military Service Status (For male candidates),
  • 2 passport photos,
  • Copy of the Identity Card,
  • Copy of the Foreign Language Certificate for PhD Programs,

During the final registration students must submit the following:

  • Certified copy of Diploma or Temporary Graduation Certificate,
  • Certified copy of Transcript,
  • ALES Certificate, (To be printed out at the Institute.)
  • Original of Military Service Status (For male candidates),
  • 6 passport photos,
  • Foreign Language Certificate for PhD Programs, (To be printed out at the Institute)
  • First installment of Tuition Fee,
Program without Thesis  


Head of Department
Assoc. Prof. Murat Taha BİLİŞİK 
  (0212) 498 4425

Last Update Date: Thu, 02/20/2025 - 14:22